My developer account - improved UX
The developer account is based on a product and has UX pain points. The scope of this feature is to refresh it and bring it more into the NHS Digital look & feel to remove these pain points.
Comments: 4
19 Nov, '20
Ian Nelson AdminAs part of this, it would be helpful if the list of APIs in could appear in alphabetical order.
18 Mar, '22
Alex Lord AdminYour developer account now allows single-sign-on to the new Digital Onboarding Service. This is a step closed to a unified experience as a developer integrating across our API(s). We're not quite happy with the UX just yet, more improvements coming!
02 Dec, '22
Steve Hodgson AdminAs part of our Continuous Improvement methodology, we are constantly improving this part of the platform during the current quarter and also in the new year.
31 Jan, '24
Ernest Kissiedu AdminWe have completed UI/UX improvements to the Environment Access 'My applications and teams' to be more consistent with the overall Developer account look and feel.