PDS FHIR API - update related persons
Ability to update related persons via the PDS FHIR API
Comments: 2
27 Apr, '21
Alex Lord AdminWe do not currently plan to release this feature. Though, we are still interested if there is demand. Please drop us a line at api.management@nhs.net if you would like to see this built.
13 Apr, '22
Mark SulstonCurrent conformance for FHIR API includes the following two statements:
Does your product support the management of related persons?
If supporting related persons, local systems must support the update of related persons not identified by NHS number.
Does your product remove invalid NHS numbers for related persons when updating PDS?
When an invalid NHS number is detected for a related person record, local systems must remove that related person record and prompt the user to add a new related person record using demographic data.
There is a clear utility to having this information updated to PDS to support information sharing at the ICS level. Instigating additional messaging to support related persons information sharing should be an unnecessary overhead if using PDS.