Create a building healthcare software guide for the workforce domain
Create a non-technical guide to building software that deals with the workforce within the NHS in England.
This might include roster management and more general APIs which give access to workforce / healthcare worker information.
Comments: 4
05 Mar, '23
GokulCan I have a brief note on what this guide exactly be discussing about please?
06 Mar, '23
Tony Heap AdminUpdated the description with a bit more detail, but to be honest until we start looking into the guide we're not sure exactly what the content will be. Let us know if there are specific topics you want covered.
31 Jan, '24
Charlotte FryPlease could you confirm if this or other guide would help Divisions in the process of building a robust staff CommsApp that can be adapted to the needs of individual Divisions within a trust?
05 Feb, '24
Tony Heap AdminCharlotte - hard to be sure whether we'll go into that level of detail - usually these guides are fairly high level, often just explaining key concepts and what services are available nationally to help. The cease of workforce, at the moment, not much is my understanding. Have you tried looking at our blueprinting service to find out if anyone else has dome something similar (