Product Backlog
This product backlog contains the features we're delivering to realise our API management vision. You can comment on features, upvote features, and suggest new features.
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Create a building healthcare software guide for the demographics domain
Create a non-technical guide to building software that deals with the demographics within the NHS in England.
Create a building healthcare software guide for patient-facing applications
Create a non-technical guide to building software that deals with patient-facing applications within the NHS in England.
Training courses / hackathons
Organise formal training courses and / or hackathons for developers to learn how to use our APIs.
Create a building healthcare software guide for the workforce domain
Create a non-technical guide to building software that deals with the workforce within the NHS in England.
This might include roster management and more general ...
Accessibility - WCAG WAI conformance check
The site is already built largely using WCAG WAI-conformant page templates within the NHS Digital website, but to be sure we need to test conformance and fix any issues.
Make swagger/OAS files available
IMHO it would be good to provide developers with open-api/swagger.json documentation to allow the generation of http restful clients using open-api tooling for the ...
Create a building healthcare software guide for the vaccinations domain
Create a non-technical guide to building software that deals with vaccinations within the NHS in England.
API services versus API standards
NHS Digital has two distinct categories of APIs - API services (an actual callable national service) and API standards (a specification that is intended to aid ...
Information and training videos
Videos on the developer portal explaining things like how the portal works or tutorials on how to connect to our APIs.
API catalogue - existing APIs documented to a minimum standard
Uplift documentation for all existing APIs to a minimum standard, so that external developers can easily learn what the API does, how to use the API, how to test it, ...
Healthcare tech overview / beginner's guide
An overview of healthcare tech in the NHS in England, including topics like local systems, national systems, integration, APIs, privacy and security, clinical safety ...
Improve Directory of Services API (REST)
Documentation is rather scarce - no code samples for example.
Would love the NHS Developer portal in general to look more like some of the better documentation ...
API specifications - improved look & feel
The MVP API specification page has a number of UX pain points and doesn't fit the NHS Digital brand and styling. This feature is to refresh is and bring it more into ...
Hello World API and tutorials
Example "Hello World" API for developers to play with, including endpoints that are open access, application-restricted and user-restricted. Tutorial explaining how ...
Developer guide exemplar - GP software
An online guide containing best practice guidance for developing GP software, including details of how to use NHS Digital APIs for specific use cases.
Developer guide exemplar - PDS
An online guide containing best practice guidance for developing software that uses the PDS APIs.
User interface (UI) integrations in the API catalogue
We have some integrations that really aren't APIs - such as the NHS.UK widgets and NCRS integration - they are integrated in the UI layer. We should include them in ...
API service level documentation
Update our API specifications to include the service level that applies to that API. For example, is the API a "platinum" service which is supported 24x7 or is it ...
Add usage patterns to API-M website
I think it would be useful to add the usage pattern to entries in the API catalogue pages - "open access", "application restricted" and "user restricted" as a ...
Developer portal - role specific user journeys
Enhance the developer portal with user journeys for user journeys for specific roles e.g. coder / architect, tester, product owner / BA, security officer, clinical ...
API catalogue - remove obsolete API portals and specifications
Remove obsolete API portals such as those on TRUD and Health Developer Network and redirect them to the new API catalogue. Remove specifications for retired APIs.
Domain model
Build and publish a domain model for NHS Digital APIs that defines a taxonomy for domains and consider how that impacts our API URL namespace. Ties in with feature to ...
Online developer portal
Internet-facing web pages with single starting point and general info on getting started with NHS Digital APIs.
Create a building healthcare software guide for the terminology domain
Create a non-technical guide to building software that deals with the terminology used within the NHS in England.
API documentation team capabilities
Changes to NHS Digital team structures to ensure teams have the skills they need to produce consistently good quality documentation.
Sample code for encode and sign a jwt with rsa512 in c#
please provide a sample code for encode and sign a jwt with rsa512 in c#
Exemplar API - PDS FHIR API - search & retrieve - sandbox
Build a callable sandbox for the PDS FHIR API search & retrieve endpoints.
Vision and roadmap - published
Publish our vision and roadmap so developers can see it and contribute to it.
API catalogue - tags, filters and searching
Improve the API catalogue so that APIs are tagged and users can filter by things like domain (demographics, medication etc), technology (REST, FHIR, HL7 V3 etc), type ...
Search engine optimisation
Ensure that our API documentation can be found by external and internal search engines.
Exemplar legacy API specification - PDS HL7 V3 API
A single page for the PDS HL7 V3 API including summary information and links out to existing documentation.
API catalogue - include all existing APIs
Make sure the API catalogue page ( has all existing APIs listed in it.
Exemplar API - PDS FHIR API - search & retrieve - specification
API specification for the exemplar API (PDS FHIR API) - search & retrieve endpoints, generated from an OAS file.
Developer / integration guide - Urgent and Emergency care and 111
An online guide containing best practice guidance for integrating urgent and emergency care software with NHS Digital APIs
Feedback widgets and polls
Allow developers to give feedback via widgets and polls on the developer portal.
Developer portal - improve information architecture
There are numerous dead-ends on the NHS Digital website, for example if I find a service in the "services" area, it doesn't always link through to the relevant API ...